Absolutely Brilliant.

The entire Booth team has a background in professional photography. We had the honor of working with One Medical Group and their amazing team. Originally, our gear was packed with a seamless backdrop but once the silver freight elevator caught the eyes of our team, there was a change of plans. Our team was able to make the adjustments needed and create a custom look using the surroundings, pretty cool right? OM_ 25837 OM_ 25844

The Health Benefits of Photo Booths

According to researchers in Berlin, Germany there are health benefits of using a photo booth. A study found that taking pictures with your friends helps rejuvenate minds and makes people happy. This Booth happiness helps reduce stress levels which is absolutely necessary for a healthy mind and body. Read more at Healthnewsline.net As you can tell, The Booth and our guests knew this all along!

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nyc photo booth